Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back into the swing of things....

School started back yesterday for me! To be honest.... I'm super excited about this school year for two special reasons:

1) I am halfway through my RN program come October and I'll be completing my last 2 1/2 semesters this school year and then I'm done! By next October, if God says the same, you can call me Nurse Bee- RN!

2) Next July I'm getting MARRIED!!!! No extra comment needed.

These very important future instances have put an extra jolt into how I handle the next 10 months. I gotta go ALL IN! No holding back. So I expect myself to be the best student in all my classes, and finish planning this wedding like a BOSS.

I got this.
I think......
....... I hope......

Also I'm coming back strong with posts, I had kinda fallen off because I didn't know what to post or if anybody would even come check me out after I did post. Now though that doesn't matter to me, I'm going to post regardless so stay tuned :)

Guess I'll go study a little. See ya!


  1. I'm so happy for you Bee! I'll be praying for you. Hopefully things work out for both of us.


    1. Thank you so much Sheyla! You as well girl, we all need encouragement sometime ;)
