Saturday, January 7, 2017

Back in action!

"And now coming to the stage, Brrrrrriiiiittttanaaaaaaayyy!" *stadium chant* Brittany,  Brittany, Brittany.......

I'm back ya'll!

It's been a very long time, and I hate that! You would probably have a hard time believing the story surrounding my LONG A** absence, but I'll share it anyways.... 

During the time I was posting, I had just finished nursing school [again] and developed a bad case of writers block. Really could've been that my brain was exhausted at this point due to schooling back to back like I did. Then we got pregnant. After that, I think pregnancy brain kicked in real heavy and my mind was constantly consumed with everything else all the time to where at some point I forgot my login and password. Not to mention being a first time mom consumes your entire being.....for a long while. Very long while.

So, yeah. That's the background of why I've been a distant memory all this time. By chance, someone commented on an old post and all my memory came flooding back like a concert flashback lol for this I am thankful!!

Oh my goodness there is so much to talk about.... but for now I will leave you with this post to let ya'll know out there that I'm back at it!!

Be hearing from me soon.....

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