Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Game time

After deciding last minute to spend the weekend out of town with my husband, we came home extremely tires and to a mess of a house lol [hence the reason for no MRM this week].......Once it was all cleaned up and hubby was gone on a errand, I remembered that I hadn't checked my email all weekend so I opened up the computer and proceeded to scour the web for a few moments.

Guess what I found?

Guess what I found when I opened my email?

My notification to sign up for the NCLEX! For everybody else in the world that doesn't know what that is, it's basically a board licensure examination..... For RNs and LVNs

When I saw the email I opened it up, read it and immediately became excited and nervous as hell in the same heartbeat. It's finally here! Wow, that was fast..... Why have I not been studying? I only get how many days to take it? I need to study.....ugh, why did I have to take a break?

After I freaked myself out, I made a study plan, figured out how many weeks I will give myself to study and looked at what day I wanted to sign up for my exam.

I thought about telling no one about this.....cause what if I tell people and we all get so hype about and then I fail? The embarrassment I would feel explaining to folks when they asked would almost be unbearable. I just decided to share the details with my husband and save the rest for AFTER I took exam and PASSED. I know you get where I'm coming from so......

Lucky for me, my job has already put the work schedule out for the rest of the year and by me being as needed I usually only work 1-2 days a week; which gives me lots of study time.

I am claiming this test as passed already in Jesus name!

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